
Posted by , 3 February 2014

I’m in Liverpool for the day, so why not revisit some sites and see what else has changed since I was last here?

My only reason for being in Liverpool was to see Del Amitri in concert.

However, now that I was in the city for a day I figured that I might as well have a look around.

The most noticeable difference since I was last here is that the modern buildings down by the waterfront have been completed. It all feels somehow more complete. Like other cities in the UK, Liverpool now has a mix of the old and the gleaming, sparkling new. I like the juxtaposition, particularly when you can see the famous Liver Birds reflected in the building opposite.

Tate Liverpool

I have never been in a Tate Gallery, so I figured it was time to see what I had been missing. The Tate Liverpool is down at the Albert Dock. It’s quite small, but spread out over 4 floors.

This gallery is totally devoted to modern art. I don’t have a problem with that – I like modern art that makes you think and can pass by the stuff I don’t like without too much trouble. The problem I do have is all the signs trying to explain what’s going on, how it fitted into some sort of broader movement and the life story of the artist. I really just want to enjoy the art, let it sink in and not try to connect it to anything bigger. I have no doubt that at least some of the artists might have been trying to do this, but I’m just not interested. Artists trying to intellectualise their art seems a lot to me like chefs trying to intellectualise their food. Just let the public enjoy it without beating us over the head!

Walker Art Gallery

I headed over to the Walker Art Gallery. It’s up near the theatre, which I wanted to find in plenty of time, so it seemed to be a good place to spend the afternoon.

This is more a traditional gallery. On the ground floor are replicas of various busts etc from antiquity. The upper floors have galleries tracing different periods of art, with many large paintings covering the walls – the sorts of rooms where you need to sit back and take it all in. The only problem is that it’s all a bit dark – dark frames, dark panelling, dark paintings.

Only one gallery is devoted to modern art with some “challenging” pieces on display.

h2 Wheel of Liverpool

I had see the large Wheel of Liverpool from Albert Dock. It seemed like a good idea to go up in it on sunset.

I didn’t expect to see much – from below it just seems to be surrounded by other buildings – but once you get to the top there are views across the Mersey to Birkenhead, Albert Dock itself of course and then across to the cathedral. It’s a nice way to see a city, but then I’ve always had a thing about being up high for a better view.

It moves quite quickly, but you get quite a few rotations for your money so there is always another opportunity to spot something. It’s just a pity that I hadn’t brought my camera with me.


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