Review: Kill Me Three Times

Posted by , 21 April 2015

A hitman, an insurance job, a corrupt policeman and a couple in love. There’s a lot to go wrong here.

If you read the reviews for this movie, then they’re pretty mixed. Just ignore them, watch the movie and form your own opinion!

As a fan of Simon Pegg – I first saw him in Big Train which still makes me laugh – I just knew that I had to see this movie.

At face value, I guess you could call it a thriller. Simon Pegg plays a hitman sent to murder the wife of owner of the local pub in a remote West Australian town. At the same time, the local dentist and his wife set out to kill the same woman as part of an insurance scam. The local cop is corrupt and wants in on the scam, and meanwhile the dentist’s wife is in cahoots with the hitman to split the proceeds of the insurance scam.

The plot isn’t presented in this way. Instead, it’s split into three sections which first backtrack and then overlap with each other while new bits of the plot are revealed, very much like a Tarantino movie. And like a Tarantino movie there’s lots of blood as each of the characters is killed in a different fashion.

But if you watch this film thinking it’s a straight hitman thriller then you’ll miss the nuance that Simon Pegg brings to his role. Pegg has always excelled at playing the straight role with a twist. Yes, I’ve seen him in true comedy form but in his role as a hitman the comedy is more nuanced. It’s in the pause before killing, the raised eyebrows at his frustration as his plans come unstuck, the wry comments. It’s a subtle and sardonic humour that I have to assume most reviewers just don’t get but I really liked.

I get so bored with movies that either take themselves seriously, or try to achieve a laugh a minute. Instead, this movie is subtle and the plot forces you to follow along, or you’ll soon get lost. That can be hard work but you’ll be rewarded if you can both following the story and pick up on the subtle humour.

I enjoy it so much that I watched it a second time!


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