Mum's 80th Birthday Party

Posted by , 22 July 2016

Eighty is a good age to reflect on life.

Mum is 80 and for the special occasion we had a big party.

I don’t know why but organising these things seems to be such a chore. I think its the lack of a focus for the evening (who’s organising the food? what about drinks? what should the invites say?) which means I would struggle to hand it all over to an expert even though I guess they are paid to think of all of these and more. Luckily, Katharina came for a flying (literally!) visit and could help out with the last minute things.

At 80, Mum’s life has seen so many changes that there was a wide mix of people there including:

  • her Sri Lankan family,
  • the people she worships with at St Peters,
  • people she has worked with as a tutor and supporter, and
  • people from her social life.

One of the things I mentioned in my speech was how all of this would have been very different from the life that her parents would have expected when she was born in England before the war. It must have taken real courage to firstly decide to marry a man outside the accepted social class for her, then move to the other side of the world for a new life. I was reminded that the journey is always worth taking even if you can’t be sure of the destination.

We both commented on how old everyone is getting. Yes, I know that we’re in that category too but when you don’t see people regularly then the changes in between are more marked.

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