Bike ride to Cully

Posted by , 18 October 2014

We took the opportunity of continuing warm weather to see some more of this country we call ‘home’.

Cully is a small village on the shores of Lake Geneva.

We had been here before for a family dinner with Rohan, Ann, Mum and the Versoix family last year. But our main reason for wanting to go there was to see the Lavaux Vineyards as they changed colour and before they lost their leaves completely.

We took the train to Lausanne and tracked down the Publibike station to pick up a couple of bikes. They are cheap (CHF20 for both) of them but I also bought a bike lock so that we could secure the bikes if we needed a break – they are really intended to be picked up and dropped off at multiple stations.

We then had to ride down through Lausanne to the lake – getting through the busier streets was a challenge but once you get to the lake it’s a beautiful ride. Although it starts on paths on the lakeshore, those soon end and you have to take to the roads but the riding is easier, even if the Publibikes are heavy and lack lots of gears.

We actually pushed on past Cully on a small path that petered out near an area where people were swimming, so we backtracked to an open grassy area, parked the bikes and ate our picnic lunch on a rock wall by the lake.

For our return, we headed back up into the terraces to get closer to the vines. Admittedly, the ride up there was hard work – this area rises steeply to the mountains – but the colours in the vines and views across the lake made it all worthwhile. And of course the ride is mostly downhill from there!

On the way back, we stopped in the town of Lutry for a coffee after we had ridden around some of its small streets. It’s a hidden gem – when you’re riding along the narrow cobble-stoned streets with buildings overhanding each side you could be in the old town of any larger city.


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