My Pebble has arrived

Posted by , 31 October 2013

My new smartwatch has arrived. Will it make a difference to my life?

I ordered a Pebble Smartwatch a couple of weeks ago and it has finally arrived. As far as I can tell, the customs clearance process inside Switzerland took longer than the actual delivery.

Why did I order a Pebble?

Well, I have to admit that I just love gadgets but more than that I am attracted to the idea that we should do more with the device that we carry around on our wrists all day.

I know there are a few competing smartwatches around. My first need is for a watch that integrates with the iPhone as that is my current smartphone and will likely be updated with a newer version in the near future. I also want a watch that can still perform as a watch, as that is it’s primary purpose. And finally it needs to be small and light enough for my fairly slender wrists.

It will be interesting to see how I go with integrating smartwatch functionality into my life. I’ll write up a full review once I’ve lived with it for a few weeks.

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